Try: Caregivers suggest that some or all of the following things may help keep you from getting overwhelmed while caring for a Care recipient (cr) #join a support group #eat well get rest and take time to exercise #set aside a quiet time of day for yourself some caregivers get up before their crs to enjoy a half hour of time for themselves before a day of giving begins others end their days with a ritual of a favorite show and a hot drink after the cr has gone to bed #make time for activities you enjoy maybe you can’t stay involved with all of them while you are providing care for someone else but keep up with one or two that are special to you even if that requires getting someone else to help with providing care #don’t lose touch with family and friends use the phone computer or another electronic device to talk with people if you can’t meet them face-to-face #find laughter look for movies books or small things that make you laugh #record your thoughts and feelings on paper electronically in letters or pictures in a scheduled way or in a small diary that you can write in during free moments #if you find it hard to eat a meal take a shower or leave the house for a haircut for fear of turning your back on the cr you care for you are well into the time of needing assistance ask for help and don’t stop looking for it until you get it
Materials: Time for yourself support from family friends or professionals self-knowledge
Categories: Caregiver Needs&Support
Information: n/a
References: n/a
Keywords: n/a
*This information is listed as a Tip and is not explicitly medically licensed