Current caregiver (cg) is transitioning to a new cg

Try: Provide the new cg with the following

Materials: n/a

Categories: Caregiver Needs&Support

Information: About the Care recipient (cr) to ease the transition a list of the cr’s likes and dislikes in as many areas as you can think of for example does the cr have a favorite chair favorite outfit favorite television or radio program or favorite food a description of the cr cr’s normal daily routine does cr prefer to shower in the morning or evening what time does the cr prefer to go to bed at night or get up in the morning information on medications and allergies all pertinent phone numbers of friends and family including the order in which they should be notified in the event of an emergency other suggestions to ease the transition discuss your specific expectations about what the new cr should do regarding grocery shopping hair or doctor’s appointments laundry or housekeeping keep the lines of communication open between yourself and the cg if there is dissatisfaction on either part you both need to be comfortable in discussing it and finding a workable solution if you would like the cg to take the cr out to lunch or shopping let the cg know if there is cash available and whether receipts need to be kept establish an emergency plan if the cg is ill and cannot come to care for cr make arrangements for a backup cg information

References: n/a

Keywords: n/a

*This information is listed as a Tip and is not explicitly medically licensed

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