caregiver (cg) is getting burned out caring for cr care recipient

Try: Don’t do everything yourself enlist the help of out-of-town siblings and other family members make a list of care giving tasks that you think out-of-town siblings and other family members may be able to assume responsibility for on a daily weekly or monthly basis some tasks could be done from long distance while others could be done by out-of-towners who are willing or able to visit regularly talk to your family members about sharing the caregiver responsibilities let them know what kind of care you are providing share your ideas about what out-of-town siblings might be able to help with and ask them if they have additional ideas don’t expect to get commitments from people in your first conversations with them give them time to think realistically about what they can commit to doing and remember that you don’t have the power to make a sibling feel the way you do about caring for a parent if you get a specific commitment from a family member put it on a master schedule and share it with everyone involved in providing care so you can all see who is responsible for what include back-up care providers numbers for people to use in cases when they are unable to keep vital commitments follow up with family members and make adjustments as necessary long distance care giving tasks that can be shared among out-of-town family members include helping with finances and bill paying preparing and freezing meals checking on the cr with daily calls in the morning or evening researching resources and visiting to provide care so that you can take time off on a weekly or monthly basis

Materials: Phone schedule communication with siblings

Categories: Caregiver Needs&Support

Information: n/a

References: n/a

Keywords: n/a

*This information is listed as a Tip and is not explicitly medically licensed

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