Care recipient’s cr cr’s behavior causes mealtimes to be very chaotic caregiver (cg) is concerned about the cr getting enough nutrients

Try: Get up early and prepare the cr cr’s breakfast before he or she wakes up prepare mini-meals and snacks that the cr can consume throughout the day store plenty of quick-to-fix and ready-to-eat foods in the refrigerator freezer and cupboards substitute a snack for a traditional meal when the cr seems uninterested in eating what was cooked know the cr cr’s food p

Materials: Quick-to-fix and ready-to-eat foods

Categories: Behavior Challenging, Personal

Information: n/a

References: And stock his or her favorite items information references adapted from the internet website www additudemag com nutrition tips for adhd kids by susan mcquillan no date

Keywords: Nutrition diet malnutrition nutritional deficit dinner

*This information is listed as a Tip and is not explicitly medically licensed

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