Try: #a cr may repeat questions of words to cope with memory loss or anxiety while the behavior may become irritating a response of anger or frustration by caregivers may increase the cr cr’s problem #reassure and comfort the cr using both words and touch speaking in a calm tone and giving a gentle touch may help if the behavior is being triggered by anxiety #when the cr repeats a question instead of reminding the cr that he or she is being repetitive try to redirect the cr to the question question’s answer #often the cr will repeat the same questions daily what day is it what time is it is my doctor doctor’s appointment today what is for dinner so set up a calendar or meal plan that addresses the common questions post it in a highly visible location when the cr asks the questions more than once direct him or her to look at the calendar or meal plan #make signs for the dining room table as needed to address anxiety about other things the cr is anticipating for example dinner is at 6 00pm or your daughter mary will be home at 5 30pm #buy calendars and blank calendar pages for menu plans at office supply stores #in addition look for patterns in the cr cr’s repetitive behavior do certain words or behaviors seem to be linked to certain needs or emotions for example does the cr behave or speak in a certain way when he or she is hungry or in pain what kind of stress worsens the behavior and what eases it #if the cr seems unable to get out of a repetitive cycle and you find yourself getting frustrated divert yourself and the cr to something a little different have snack take a brief walk or enjoy a different activity even briefly
Materials: Large calendar blank calendar page for menu plan stiff paper and marker for making signs clear tape snacks games activities
Categories: Behavior Challenging, Cognitive Intellectual, Emotional Psychological, Independence, Some Supervision, Verbal Communication, So-So Verbal Comm, So-So L T Memory, Poor L T Memory, Short-Term Memory, So-So S T Memory, Poor S T Memory
Information: n/a
References: n/a
Keywords: n/a
*This information is listed as a Tip and is not explicitly medically licensed