Care recipient (cr) uses profanity or obscenity this is unusual for the cr and surprising and embarrassing to the caregiver

Try: #ask and check physically to see if the cr is uncomfortable for any reason the inappropriate words may be a way of attracting attention to a problem such as hunger needing to use the toilet being bound by clothing or being too hot or too cold #calmly ask the cr to stop using the offending words in your presence because they offend you let the cr know that the language is likely to offend other people and that using it may make it hard for him or her to get people to do what he wants #try not to react strongly because this may reinforce the behavior if the cr is cursing during times of extreme discomfort or only in private you may choose to accept or ignore the language #if the language is used in public you may wish to explain to those present that the cr cr’s behavior is part of an illness however there are also times when you may judge it appropriate for a cr to face the natural consequences of his or her behavior particularly if he or she is denying any problems #you do not have to apologize for the cr #if the language is extremely inapproriate tell the cr you are leaving and he or she must come with you remove the cr from the situation #try distracting the cr with another activity

Materials: n/a

Categories: Behavior Challenging, Emotional Psychological, Cognitive Awareness, Fully Aware

Information: n/a

References: n/a

Keywords: n/a

*This information is listed as a Tip and is not explicitly medically licensed

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