Try: Try reading a book magazine or watching a how to video of interest to cr everyday one of the reasons why cr may have a hard time not interrupting others is because he she doesn’t know how to listen properly you can teach cr this by giving cr a bunch of listening exercises the most effective way to do this is by reading to cr everyday after reading cr a story ask cr questions about it and see if he she has really understood the same exercise can be done with a newspaper or magazine article or with an interesting how to video
Materials: Books magazines newspapers how-to videos
Categories: Sage, Topic, Behavior Challenging, Communication, Emotional Psychological, Verbal Communication, So-So Verbal Comm, Poor Verbal Comm, Cognitive Awareness, Somewhat Aware
Information: n/a
References: how to teach children not to interrupt by russell brooks no date available at www howtodothings com
Keywords: Interupts communication rude listening attention span annoying talking
*This information is listed as a Tip and is not explicitly medically licensed