Try: #bring yourself up to date on safe sex practices and the risks of std stis #raise the topic of safer sex in a clear and respectful manner with the Care recipient (cr) #assure the cr that the conversation will be kept confidential and then keep it confidential #do not make light of this subject keep in mind that seniors have sexual histories habits partners desires and hopes that younger people including caregivers and doctors often deny #discuss with the cr the specifics of what safe sex means understanding risk factors using a condom for any act oral anal or vaginal penetration etc #figure out how to get the cr safe sex counseling testing for stds and safer sex products this may mean assisting the cr to arrange transportation setting up appointments researching the price and availability of various kinds of condoms and having conversations in which the cr can increase his or her comfort talking about safer sex condoms etc #encourage the cr to make a commitment to safer sex
Materials: Safer sex information access to condoms
Categories: Sexuality Intimacy, Mobility, Needs Some Assistance, Independence, Some Supervision
Information: n/a
References: n/a
Keywords: n/a
*This information is listed as a Tip and is not explicitly medically licensed