Try: Take the cr to the grocery store and take notes in order by department of specific items he or she routinely purchases most grocery stores in the city and some in smaller towns will do home delivery talk to customer service about arranging for home delivery and fill out any forms that need to be filled out let the cr engage in as much of the process independently as possible so that he or she will know how the system works filling out a card before hand with the cr cr’s name address and phone number may be helpful make copies of the grocery list to use as a guide for future grocery orders or as a default list of items that the cr will need delivered if there are people available to take the cr shopping make sure they also have a copy of the list so they can be sure to get everything the cr needs make extra copies for the cr to keep on hand when shopping or placing orders follow up regularly and check food supplies and to make sure the list is working or if it needs permanent changes
Materials: Note pad and pens to make a list contact information for all who make take the cr grocery shopping or ordering information of a grocery store that delivers locations of stores where the cr usually shops card with the cr cr’s printed address and phone number
Categories: Shopping
Information: n/a
References: n/a
Keywords: n/a
*This information is listed as a Tip and is not explicitly medically licensed