Care recipient (cr) continually wears the same clothes with laundering them

Try: Arrange a week week’s worth of clothing putting each outfit on a different color hanger post a sign on the closet door explaining what color is worn on which day of the week the night before or early in the morning put the sign on the closet door nothing the color of the hanger that the cr is to use in the morning when he or she dresses the cr will then know what outfit to wear and be wearing something new each day a chart could also be used listing the days of the weeks and the corresponding color in this case some kind of indicator that can be moved to the different days to remind the cr which day it is would be used either a taped smiley face for example or a magnet if the cr cr’s closet door is metal try to remain consistent with hanger colors week to week to get the cr into the habit of looking for the proper color on any given day

Materials: Plastic hangers in different bright colors colorful signs that match the colors of the hangers caregiver

Categories: Dressing Clothing, Some Supervision, Maximum Supervision

Information: n/a

References: n/a

Keywords: n/a

*This information is listed as a Tip and is not explicitly medically licensed

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