Try: Doing research to determine if a senior housing community is appropriate for the Care recipient (cr) can be very challenging it is also challenging to determine what type of community is most appropriate and make a decision on a specific community the following are significant reasons why an assisted living may be the most suitable option safety assisted living communities are set up to provide a safe comfortable environment for elders many though not all have secure entrances nearly all are monitored enough so that elders aren’t vulnerable to attack or burglary as may be the case when the cr is living in his or her own home having other people around makes communal living safer than being alone in a house also most assisted living communities have emergency alert systems in the resident apartment or room to provide immedate help when needed meal options meals are provided in an assisted living community and there is often a wide variety of food offered the cr also have company for meals in the dining room the socialization at mealtime may help the cr eat better and stay healthy mealtime can also provide the communitiy communitiy’s staff with an opportunity to monitor the health and well being of the cr transportation most assisted living centers provide group transportation for shopping and community events also they can generally arrange transportation to the cr cr’s doctor and other medical appoitments fewer burdens cr’s living in a home face upkeep problems and costs a senior living in a house can be taken advantage of by unscrupulous contractors and repair people crs tend to be trusting and this makes them vulnerable the cr doesn’t have to worry about home repairs in an assisted living community if something doesn’t work properly the community community’s administration can be notified and the problem should be fixed socialization opportunities to socialize with others is one of the main selling points for assisted living communities it is very important that the crs interact with peers as much as possible social skills can decline when they are not actively used this can result in anxiety when the cr does go out among people depression can set in and result further reluctance to be socially active crs without socialization can become virtual hermits except for those who have family visits information references eldercarelink com
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Categories: Social
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Keywords: Assisted living
*This information is listed as a Fact Sheet and is not explicitly medically licensed