Try: #read the instructions on the compression stocking bag or box #the stocking comes wrapped in a plastic bag place that bag inside the stocking to make a liner with it before rolling the stocking onto the cr’s foot and leg this will reduce the friction between the stocking and leg and make it easier to put the stocking on #remove the plastic bag from the leg by pulling it through the hole in the foot of the stocking after the stocking is drawn up #always be sure the hole in the stocking is on the top of the foot so you can easily check on the cr’s circulation #if the toes appear to be blue or blue-tinged the stocking is too tight and must be removed immediately failure to remove the stocking can have life-threatening consequences #keep the plastic away from the face and hands of a cr with mobility or judgment problems that would increase the risk of accidental suffocation immediately after use discard the plastic in a safe manner
Materials: Compression stockings long narrow plastic bag the stockings come in
Categories: Personal, Mobility, Needs Some Assistance
Information: n/a
References: n/a
Keywords: n/a
*This information is listed as a Tip and is not explicitly medically licensed