Try: #see a doctor to explore possible medical causes of the problem talk to the doctor or a pharmacist about the possibility that medications are contributing to the problem #keep a journal to track urinary activities for three days note every time you feel the urge to go to the bathroom and the times you drink or eat liquid fluids or soups #after three days look for a pattern or relationship betweeen the times you drink liquids and the times you need to urinate note if there appear to be regular times of day when you have to go #being aware of your patterns can help you plan around your needs #limit the amount of caffeinated liquids soda coffee chocolate you drink as they can irritate the bladder and cause an increased need to urinate #consider wearing clothing with elastic waistbands to make adjusting clothes easy wear an incontinence liner pad or adult disposable brief if you repeatedly find you are unable to reach the bathroom in time you may find you only need the continence products until you find other ways to adapt #many people have difficulty with continence remember you are not alone
Materials: Examination by a physician or consultation with a pharmacist non-restrictive clothing pen and notebook incontinence liners or briefs if necessary
Categories: Personal, Mobility, Mobile, Independence, No Supervision, Cognitive Awareness, Fully Aware
Information: n/a
References: n/a
Keywords: n/a
*This information is listed as a Tip and is not explicitly medically licensed