Problems with coordination strength vision or perception may lead Care recipient (cr) to make numerous spills during meals and snacks spills can lead to slippery messes on the floor and repetitive clean-ups of cr clothes and table

Try: #use unbreakable cups and dishware to prevent injury to the Care recipient (cr) and damage to dishes #serve liquids in plastic cups with handles use straws if they are useful #make sure there is clean adequate lighting above the eating area #protect the tabletop with vinyl placemats or plastic tablecloths for easy clean up keep a large damp sponge on hand during and after meals #use a carpet sweeper or handheld electric vacuum to pick up crumbs from the chair or floor pick up squishy food and liquid spills promptly and dry the floor as soon as possible to avoid falling hazards on tile or linoleum or stains on carpeting #protect clothing from stains with a large napkin or a smock a smock is an over-the-head work top that fastens on the sides smocks can be found in catalogs featuring clothing and supplies for seniors and people with disabilities #protect a cr from serious spills and possible burns with special vinyl smocks look for catalogs supplying these smocks online and through rehabilitation centers and senior care centers #sometimes a cr’s messiness at mealtimes will look deliberate and be inconvenient to the caregiver caregivers must accept that when messiness is linked to a condition the reality of the condition must be respected the caregiver may look for ways to help the cr regain or retain eating skills but may also have to deal separately with his or her own grief anger or frustration at the situation

Materials: Unbreakable cups and plates drinking cup with a straw and handle good lighting over the dining area vinyl or rubber placemats or plastic tablecloth carpet sweeper or sponge mop large sponge vinyl smock if necessary caregiver tolerance and compassion support for caregiving spouse or family member

Categories: Personal, Gender, Male, Female, Mobility, Needs Much Assistance, Independence, Maximum Supervision, Cognitive Awareness, Somewhat Aware

Information: n/a

References: n/a

Keywords: n/a

*This information is listed as a Tip and is not explicitly medically licensed

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