Try: # the Care recipient (cr) is seated in the chair or on the edge of the bed clothes are in reach #from a seated position a top is removed or put on #to remove pants and underwear the cr stands the caregiver may want to stand next to the cr in case of loss of balance the cr pulls down pants and underwear and sits back down to completely remove pants and underwear #the cr is seated to begin putting on underwear pants socks and shoes instead of bending over try having the cr cross his or her legs to pull on lower body clothing crossing one leg over the other briefly brings the leg closer to the hands #the cr stands to finish pulling up underwear and pants the caregiver stands close as needed #allow plenty of time for the whole process so the cr is not rushed
Materials: Top pullover or button down underwear pants socks and shoes
Categories: Personal
Information: n/a
References: n/a
Keywords: n/a
*This information is listed as a Tip and is not explicitly medically licensed