Try: Music players are offered for low prices at discount and department stores audio books fiction and nonfiction can be purchased through catalogs and online or they can be checked out from most libraries nature recordings can also be purchased online or through therapy and self-help catalogs you may also find them in retail music stores and general merchandise stores music and entertainment centers play the nature recordings at bedtime to help the cr relax and fall asleep many music players can be programmed to replay one or several recordings it may be useful to arrange this if it takes the cr a significant amount of time to fall asleep and stay asleep
Materials: Music player recorded programs of nature sounds i e the ocean and sea animals wind chimes waterfalls and rain bird calls etc audio books
Categories: Personal, Mobility, Needs Some Assistance, Hearing, Good Hearing
Information: n/a
References: n/a
Keywords: n/a
*This information is listed as a Tip and is not explicitly medically licensed