Care recipient (cr) is able to put self to bed but general weakness and lack of stamina make it hard to pull weight across mattress sometimes it is hard for cr to turn in bed

Try: #a bedrail can be found and installed on one or both sides of the cr cr’s bed if the bed is small one bedrail may be enough to help the cr by giving him or her something sturdy to grip while getting into or out of bed additionally the cr may grasp the rail for support turning in bed #some bedrails are simply installed by inserting a balancing piece between the bed bed’s mattresses others can be fixed to bedframes bedrails come in standard and small sizes some are designed to stay upright and some are made to fold up and down consider the cr cr’s abilities bed and finances while picking a style view bedrails before buying one by viewing catalogs at a medical supply store or looking online at home or at a library #bedrails can be bought over-the-counter through some companies offering independent living supplies in their catalogs and on their websites insurance may pay for bedrails prescribed by a doctor

Materials: Over-the-counter bedrail

Categories: Personal, Mobility, Mobile, Needs Some Assistance, Independence, No Supervision, Some Supervision

Information: n/a

References: n/a

Keywords: n/a

*This information is listed as a Tip and is not explicitly medically licensed

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