Try: #a bedside commode is a freestanding toilet with a removable bowl bucket and support arms it can be kept near a cr cr’s bed or chair for easy access overnight or during the day if the cr is having trouble reaching the bathroom safely or in time for any reason #commodes are sold in some drug stores and are available through medical supply stores and catalogs they are sold in a variety of styles and weight-bearing capacities #for use during the night place the commode next to the cr cr’s bed with toilet paper and moist wipes within reach put a small trash can nearby but not where the cr will trip over it #make sure the bucket is in place within the commode #assist the cr to rehearse using the commode practice during the day so the cr will be ready at night practicing will help identify difficulties the cr may run into and correct them before they lead to trouble #after the cr voids bowel or bladder he or she should wipe with toilet paper discard the toilet paper in the bucket and close the commode lid make sure during practice that the cr will be able to clean him or herself #damp or wet wipes can be used to clean the hands afterwards and the wipes can be discarded in a small lined trash can #in the morning the cr or a caregiver can empty the bucket and rinse it into the toilet the bucket is then replaced on the commode and the commode can be moved to the side of the bedroom if it won’t be in use during the day
Materials: Bedside commode roll of toilet paper package of moist wipes small lined trash can
Categories: Personal, Mobility, Mobile, Needs Some Assistance, Needs Much Assistance, Independence, No Supervision, Some Supervision, Cognitive Awareness, Fully Aware, Somewhat Aware
Information: n/a
References: n/a
Keywords: n/a
*This information is listed as a Tip and is not explicitly medically licensed