Try: #contact a local nursing home or assisted living facility and speak to the activity director explain what you would like to make and ask if the weights would be used for light activity exercise by residents if you donate them make sure you find a place that says yes before doing the work #make a mixture of the sand and lead weights and weight out 8 oz 12 oz and 16 oz portions of the mixture as you weight out each portion add glue to hold each measure together put the mixture into a locking plastic bag and write the weight on the bag with the marker # let the bags of mixture dry #cut an opening on the underside of each of the small stuffed animals and insert one baggy full of mixture into each immediately after putting the mixture in securely tie a ribbon around the animals’ neck that coordinates with the weight for example green ribbon for 8 oz weights red ribbon for 12 oz weights and white ribbon for 16 oz weights # after making sure the baggies are centered in the small stuffed animals stitch each slit closed with the needle and thread #these weighted stuffed animals can also be used as free-standing weights to assist in weight training
Materials: Small stuffed animals lead weights sand plastic ziploc bags glue scale scissors ribbon two or three colors needle and thread permanent marker
Categories: Medical Physical, Mobility, Mobile, Independence, No Supervision, Vision, Good Vision, Cognitive Awareness, Fully Aware
Information: n/a
References: n/a
Keywords: n/a
*This information is listed as a Tip and is not explicitly medically licensed