Strengthening legs by exercising from a seated position may be an option when limited mobility prevents exercise while standing or moving about

Try: #sit with your feet flat on the floor #cross your arms over your chest #raise one leg while bending your torso forward build up to doing this 20 times #raise the other leg bend forward and repeat do as many times as possible until you can do it 20 times easily #repeat the exercise to both legs two or three times a day each time trying to reach 20 lifts per leg when you are able to do 20 lifts per leg three times a day increase the number of leg lifts #when this exercise feels too easy ask your doctor for additional exercises to strengthen your legs and lower body

Materials: Chair or sofa

Categories: Medical Physical, Mobility, Mobile, Needs Some Assistance, Independence, No Supervision, Cognitive Awareness, Fully Aware, Somewhat Aware

Information: n/a

References: n/a

Keywords: n/a

*This information is listed as a Tip and is not explicitly medically licensed

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