Once seizures are entertained as a possible cause of a the care recipient’s cr medical problem a number of medical tests will likely need to…

Try: Once seizures are entertained as a possible cause of a the care recipient’s cr medical problem a number of medical tests will likely need to be done the simplest is a history and physical examination thephysician will review the events to see if they fit the typical profile for a seizure which often lasts 60 seconds and may reoccur the doctor will also assess the cr’s medications other common tests include an mri and eeg other tests include assessing the condition of the cr’s heart to make certain that there is no abnormal heart rhythm that may lead to problems that ultimately lead to a seizure sometimes one cannot be certain if a particular episode or spell represents a seizure it is only after these studies are completed and coupled to the history and physical examination results that one can make a diagnosis of seizures or epilepsy if indeed there is a clear diagnosis that seizures and epilepsy are occurring in the cr then the next question that arises is whether a seizure medication should be initiated information references epilepsy com

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Categories: Medical Physical

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References: n/a

Keywords: Epilepsy seizure

*This information is listed as a Fact Sheet and is not explicitly medically licensed

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