Although not uncommon for care recipients cr epilepsy is often not well understood or unknown to many individuals the following are common facts and misunderstandings…

Try: Although not uncommon for care recipients cr epilepsy is often not well understood or unknown to many individuals the following are common facts and misunderstandings about epilepsy crs with epilepsy are not mentally ill epilepsy is not the same as mental illness and in fact the majority of people with seizures do not develop mental health problems the causes are not always known in some crs the cause and location of the seizures may affect certain brain areas and contribute to mood problems in others side effects of treatments and the challenges of living with epilepsy may affect a cr cr’s feelings and behavior seizures do not cause brain damage in the cr single smaller seizures lasting less than 5-10 minutes are not known to cause brain damage or injury however there is evidence that more frequent and more prolonged seizures may in some crs injure the brain epilepsy is not necessarily inherited most cases of epilepsy are not inherited although some types are genetically transmitted epilepsy is not a life-long disorder generally crs with epilepsy have seizures and require medication for only a small portion of their lives about 60 of people who develop seizures have epilepsy that can be easily controlled and is likely to remit or go away however about 25 may develop difficult to control seizures and likely will require lifelong treatment epilepsy should not be a barrier to success epilepsy is perfectly compatible with a normal happy and full life the cr cr’s quality of life however may be affected by the frequency and severity of the seizures the effects of medications reactions of onlookers to seizures and other disorders that are often associated with or caused by epilepsy some types of epilepsy are harder to control than others living successfully with epilepsy requires a positive outlook a supportive environment and good medical care information references epilepsy com

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Keywords: Epilepsy seizure

*This information is listed as a Fact Sheet and is not explicitly medically licensed

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