Try: Add calories to foods wherever you can if the cr is underweight use creative ways to add calories to dishes switch from skim milk to 2 or even whole milk for example add extra butter or olive oil to casseroles or pasta meals use half & half on your cereal add corn syrup to juice however crs with a medical condition should consult a doctor when developing a nutrition plan consider nutrition drinks and liquid meal replacements by providing balanced nutrition in an easy-to-consume form liquid meal replacements can help you make sure the gets needed nutrients drink plenty of liquids dehydration can dampen appetite so it’s important to stay hydrated by drinking plenty of liquids choose beverages for the cr that contain calories such as fruit vegetable juices or soft drinks with sugar have the cr graze on snacks throughout the day if the cr doesn’t feel like eating very much when during regularly scheduled meals try eating smaller amounts more often throughout the day eating a small snack can actually spur appetite making the cr a little hungrier during meal time get meals delivered to home this is a good option if the cr is homebound most communities have service organizations that provide meals to crs either delivered at home or served in community senior centers many senior community food programs are open to anyone 60 and older regardless of income level
Materials: n/a
Categories: Medical Physical
Information: n/a
References: Webmd com
Keywords: Loss of appetite eating nutrition
*This information is listed as a Tip and is not explicitly medically licensed