Like many things in life as we get older eating can be a challenge for care recipients cr the sense of taste like the other senses diminishes as we age appetite and taste can also be affected by medications loss of appetite can make it difficult to get adequate nutrition especially when the cr is sick or not feeling well no one strategy will work for all crs but for almost everyone there are ways to eat an adequate diet even when you’re ailing and don’t feel like eating the following are commonly recommended tips

Try: Enjoy meals with friends meals can be appealing to the cr if it is also a time to connect with friends and family also studies confirm that crs who live with someone else or who eat meals in community settings tend to eat a healthier diet buy prepared or convenience foods many items are available that require a minimum of preparation including pre-peeled carrots frozen chopped spinach salad greens prepared sauces and complete meals microwaves make prepared meals easy to cook at home this makes eating easier for many crs and just because foods are convenient doesn’t mean they are less nutritious many pre-prepared foods are healthier than in the past try new flavors and foods when taste buds lose their sensitivity and appetite wanes it’s often difficult for the cr to get excited about eating expand the variety of your menu by adding foods or flavors you haven’t tried before if new foods don’t sound appealing take another tack spice up your meals if the cr is not hungry because food tastes bland try adding extra spices and other flavors add a spoonful of the cr’s favorite fruit preserves to yogurt for instance or a dash of mixed herbs to a simple pasta dish make meals more appealing by choosing brightly colored fruits and vegetables give the cr permission to indulge in favorite foods if the cr is having trouble eating enough to get the calories needed don’t worry about the fine points of nutrition advice allow the cr to eat anything and everything that is appealing once the cr’s appetite comes back you can work on altering eating habits

Materials: n/a

Categories: Medical Physical

Information: n/a

References: Webmd com

Keywords: Loss of appetite eating nutrition

*This information is listed as a Tip and is not explicitly medically licensed

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