Try: Impotency or erectile dysfunction is a condition characterized as the inability to achieve an erection impotency is more common in elderly men it is four times higher in men in their 60s than in men in their 40s impotency can have a variety of causes physical causes include obesity or a lack of a healthy lifestyle smoking is a main cause of impotency psychological causes can also lead to impotency in the elderly psychological impotence is where erection or penetration fails due to thoughts or feelings rather than physical difficulty psychological impotence is less frequent than physical but is still treatable a simple way to distinguish between physical and psychological impotence is to determine whether the individual can achieve an erection at all if he cannot have an erection the problem is likely to be physical; if he can occasionally have an erection it could be physiological or psychological it is usually best to defer to a physician to determine the appropriate causes or treatment options for impotency information references
Materials: n/a
Categories: Medical Physical, Sexuality Intimacy, Male
Information: n/a
References: n/a
Keywords: Sexual health intimacy
*This information is listed as a Fact Sheet and is not explicitly medically licensed