Try: Hiccups occur when the diaphragm contracts repeatedly causing air to rush into lungs triggering the vocal cords to close this action produces the hiccup sound generally hiccups are harmless and will cease without the need for treatment however in the instance of chronic hiccups medical treatment may be necessary although hiccups have existed forever physicians have yet to discover a definitive cure for hiccups while many anecdotal or "wives tales" may claim to have a cure for hiccups it may be unwise to experiment with an elderly individual trying to scare the hiccups out of an elderly person may have unintended negative consequences medication has occasionally proven effective in treating hiccups however these treatments generally involve sedatives or some type of serious drug additionally a fairly large number of medications list hiccups as a potential side effect so the care recipient recipient’s medication could be causing the hiccups information references
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Categories: Medical Physical
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References: n/a
Keywords: Medical treatment options medication
*This information is listed as a Fact Sheet and is not explicitly medically licensed