If the Care recipient (cr) is prone to seizures the caregiver should have an understanding of basic treatment a seizure appears frightening but a single…

Try: If the Care recipient (cr) is prone to seizures the caregiver should have an understanding of basic treatment a seizure appears frightening but a single brief seizure is usually not too dangerous to the cr having the seizure if the cr has a definite history of seizures it is rarely necessary to visit the emergency room or doctor doctor’s office after a seizure unless there is evidence or suspicion of an injury or if the seizure was unlike previous ones if this is the crs first seizure however a prompt consultation with a doctor is essential a cr with epilepsy should wear a medical-alert bracelet or necklace that gives the person person’s diagnosis medications telephone numbers of the doctor and the person to call in case of an emergency this will help the cr is the seizure occurs in a public place prolonged continuous or repetitive seizures often require urgent medical attention the cr is best transported to a medical facility by ambulance as she may need oxygen and a convulsion in a passenger car can be dangerous for everyone involved in general if the actual convulsion lasts more than 5 minutes or if the need for assistance is uncertain it is best to call for help information references epilepsy com

Materials: n/a

Categories: Medical Physical

Information: n/a

References: n/a

Keywords: Epilepsy seizure

*This information is listed as a Fact Sheet and is not explicitly medically licensed

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