Try: # prepare plastic bags by filling several with a package or two of handwipes and a package of batteries # label each bag with the date of expiration of the batteries and their purpose for example hearing aid batteries expire ____ # place in a cool dry location to maximize the battery life # mark one bag dead batteries and plan on putting used batteries here before they are recycled or properly disposed of # keep tweezers and magnifying glass near the batteries or where the cr can easily find them if they are needed to replace the batteries #review the details of this plan with the cr make adjustments as needed # check hearing aids regularly and replace the batteries promptly maintenance may reduce social isolation as well as frustration and stress
Materials: Several packages of the appropriate-sized battery purchased at once plastic zipped sandwich bags small sized single packs of hand cleaner wipes tweezers and magnifying glass if needed permanent marker
Categories: Medical Physical, So-So Hearing, Poor Hearing
Information: n/a
References: n/a
Keywords: n/a
*This information is listed as a Tip and is not explicitly medically licensed