Try: Foot cramps have many causes some of the most common causes for foot cramps are #stress or fatigue in the foot – an overworked foot is often susceptible to foot cramps #poor circulation – foot cramp is caused by lack of oxygen being carried to the foot #lack of potassium – this important mineral found in salt helps regulate body chemistry and keep you foot cramp free #dehydration – lack of water in the muscles contribute to foot cramps #changing hormone levels – foot cramps may occur while muscle tissue adjusts to these changes #pinched nerves – caused when the electrical impulse from the brain cannot reach the muscle this can cause foot cramps numbness and other symptoms #alcohol or tobacco use – since both lend to dehydration poor circulation and toxicity these are a triple threat for foot cramps #nutritional deficiency – a healthy diet complete with all essential nutrients can keep muscles and nerves functioning normally #environmental toxicity – certain "poisons" we encounter via factories contaminated water etc may play a role in increased foot cramps #chemical sensitivity – some prescriptions may change the conditions in the body and make foot cramps more likely information references "how foot cramps are caused and how you can relieve them" 2007 available at www footcare-central com
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Categories: Sage, Topic, Medical Physical
Information: n/a
References: n/a
Keywords: Foot cramps dehydration hormones pinched nerve alcohol tobacco cigarettes chemicals environment
*This information is listed as a Fact Sheet and is not explicitly medically licensed