Try: Maybe if it helps you keep your blood glucose close to normal levels yes but an insulin pump is not for everyone if you have been unable to get your blood glucose levels into goal range a pump may be a good choice for you a pump also called a continuous subcutaneous insulin infusion system can do some things that conventional insulin injection therapy can’t using a pump requires motivation and a willingness to measure your blood glucose four or more times a day and to make decisions based on the results a pump cannot read your blood glucose so you have to do blood glucose tests regularly to tell the pump how much insulin you need the downside is the cost a pump costs about 5 000 to start and about 75 a month to maintain you should talk to your health care team and insurance company about whether a pump would be a good idea for you newer pumps have more features and are more reliable than older models more features allow more flexibility of lifestyle to help you stay in good control information references "101 tips for staying healthy 2nd edition" by schade d s and associates 1999 university of new mexico american diabetes association www diabetes org
Materials: n/a
Categories: Sage, Topic, Medical Physical
Information: n/a
References: n/a
Keywords: Insulin insulin pump blood glucose
*This information is listed as a Fact Sheet and is not explicitly medically licensed