Try: #talking books and magazines large print magazines free loans of cassette players and free mailing of related materials are available through the national library service for the blind and physically handicapped a program of the library of congress #eligible people with vision loss or blindness receive materials through designated libraries to find the library serving your area call 1 888 657-7323 #you can also apply to participate in the program online download an application to the program or fill the application out online at the homepage of the national library service for the blind and physically handicapped #applicants are asked to provide some supporting documentation from a professional vision specialist and should be able to demonstrate difficulty reading caused by a vision impairment or physical disability
Materials: Telephone assistant to help complete application form
Categories: Medical Physical, Social, Mobility, Mobile, Needs Some Assistance, Independence, No Supervision, Some Supervision, Vision, Poor Vision
Information: n/a
References: n/a
Keywords: n/a
*This information is listed as a Tip and is not explicitly medically licensed