Try: #see that the cr gets adequate fluid especially water as too much caffeine may encourage dehydration alcohol has the same effect fruit juices and clear sodas may provide variety and may encourage the cr to drink more but water is essential #see that the cr eats well balanced meals deficiencies in a various vitamins may contribute to dry skin while vitamin supplements may be useful try first to achieve a well-balanced diet #make sure the cr’s clothing is loose enough that is will not rub roughly against the dry skin dress the cr in natural fabrics cotton silk or wool as much as possible these fabrics allow air and moisture to travel through them if picking all-natural clothing isn’t an option look for clothing made primarily with cotton check clothing labels inside collars and waistbands the materials used to make specific clothes are listed in order of greatest percentage #use moisturizing oils lotions or creams avoid those whose ingredients include alcohol #see a doctor if the cr’s skin becomes excessively dry or itchy the doctor may prescribe antihistamines oral steroids antibiotics medicated soaks lighting treatments or possibly oral immune-altering medication
Materials: Caffeine-free fluids lotions oils or creams moisturizing soaps
Categories: Medical Physical, Personal, Mobility, Mobile, Needs Some Assistance, Independence, Some Supervision
Information: n/a
References: n/a
Keywords: n/a
*This information is listed as a Tip and is not explicitly medically licensed