Try: Before providing the cr with a cigarette or lighting one assist the cr into a comfortable chair in clear view of your work area kitchen laundry break room and so on cover the cr’s upper torso lap knees and chair arms with a large flame retardant smokers bib provide the cr with a medium sized ash tray that is deep and easy to hold light the cigarette monitor the cr until he or she is finished smoking inspect the cr’s clothing furniture and smoker’s bib for burns and hot ashes dispose of the cigarette and hot ashes properly and safely
Materials: Comfortable chair flame retardant smokers bib this can be purchased from specialty catalogs such as buck & buck 1-800-458-0600 medium sized ash tray that is deep and easy to hold
Categories: Medical Physical, Some Supervision, Maximum Supervision, So-So Vision, Poor Vision
Information: n/a
References: n/a
Keywords: Smoker safety fire prevention cigarette burns
*This information is listed as a Tip and is not explicitly medically licensed