Care recipient (cr) recovering from a stroke and using a bed pan may benefit from a bridging exercise that will make it easier for the cr to lift his or her buttocks while getting help dressing or using a bed pan

Try: #the bridging exercise can be done by the cr with help from the caregiver #the cr lies on his or her back with feet on the bed and knees pointing up #the caregiver supports the knees that is weak from the stroke to keep it upright and in place #the cr lifts his or her buttocks above the bed and holds them in this position for five seconds this position makes the cr cr’s body look a little like a bridge which is why the exercise is called a bridging exercise #while the cr is in the bridge position the caregiver can slide a bed pan under the cr or assist in pulling clothes over the hips or buttocks #while a cr is in need of assistance in this position look for adult disposable underwear diapers that fasten on the sides rather than being pulled up side-fasteners will make changing a soiled diaper less messy than drawing them all the way down the cr cr’s legs #doing the exercise improves the cr cr’s trunk muscles it may take some practice for the cr to be able to hold the position for five seconds once that goal is reached set a goal of holding the position for a longer period of time

Materials: Caregiver adult disposable underwear diaper if necessary pajamas or clothes bed pan

Categories: Medical Physical, Personal, Mobility, Needs Much Assistance, Independence, Maximum Supervision

Information: n/a

References: n/a

Keywords: n/a

*This information is listed as a Tip and is not explicitly medically licensed

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