Care recipient (cr) often feels tightness in his head neck or shoulders

Try: When the cr become aware of shoulder tension suggest that he gently stretch his neck muscles drop shoulders down let arms fall loose by side slowly rotate head from side to side and gently bend neck so that head falls forward repeat until some of the tension is released cr should take a few moments to focus on inhaling and exhaling slowly; inhale through the nose deeply — filling the air in lungs all the way through to abdomen — counting slowly to ten then exhaling in the same way repeat several times to soothe and comfort the muscles in the back of the neck and shoulder try a cold compress followed by a warm compress knead the muscles along the shoulders neck and back of the skull gently rub the head forehead temples facial muscles and jaw to relieve tension limit caffeine intake sometimes a headache is a symptom of caffeine withdrawal the result of regularly consuming too much caffeine then suddenly decreasing the amount of caffeine consumed to avoid this type of headache watch caffeine intake so that it does not go over about one to two cups of brewed coffee a day if the cr is trying to cut back on caffeine he should decrease the amount he drinks gradually over a period of a few days to a week

Materials: Hot and cold compresses

Categories: Sage, Topic, Medical Physical

Information: n/a

References: preventing headaches and muscle tension by university of california at berkeley 2009 available at

Keywords: Headaches muscle tension muscle twitching exercise

*This information is listed as a Tip and is not explicitly medically licensed

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