Try: The cr should keep foods on hand that have a long shelf-life and will not spoil non-perishable the cr and family like do not require cooking can be easily stored have a low salt content salty foods will make you more thirsty make a list of these foods and put it in the cr’s purse or wallet ask the cr to pick up a few items each time he or she goes shopping and or when there is a good sale the cr should keep doing this until he or she has built up a well-stocked supply that will last at least three days after an emergency
Materials: Pen and paper
Categories: Medical Physical, Fully Aware, Somewhat Aware
Information: n/a
References: Adapted from the the u s department of homeland security internet website www dhs gov 30 tips for emergency preparedness
Keywords: Emergency plan fire safety disaster emergency food supply
*This information is listed as a Tip and is not explicitly medically licensed