Care recipient (cr) needs help strengthening the muscles that are used to straighten the elbow

Try: Suggest that cr try the following exercise lie on the back with arms resting at sides and a rolled towel under the affected elbow bend affected elbow and move hand up toward the shoulder keep elbow resting on the towel hold for a few seconds straighten the elbow and hold slowly repeat several times note try not to let the hand roll in towards the mid-section stomach

Materials: Towel

Categories: Sage, Topic, Medical Physical, Mobility, Mobile, Needs Some Assistance

Information: n/a

References: hope the stroke recovery guide chapter 4 – movement and exerciseby the national stroke associatin 2010 available at www stroke org

Keywords: Paralysis elbow rehabilitation stroke exercise gross motor coordination weak elbow muscles bending elbow

*This information is listed as a Tip and is not explicitly medically licensed

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