Try: To stimulate a fading appetite in the cr materials try be supportive without being pushy avoid being too pushy the cr probably would love to eat but he just can’t be mindful not to unintentionally isolate someone who has no appetite meals are typically social times; not being able to participate in them can feel lonely invite the crto the dinner table or bring the family and the meal to him natural remedies several naturopathic remedies may help stimulate the cr’s appetite some examples of natural supplements and herbs include cayenne or red pepper green tea ginseng and garlic among others however be sure to give the cr’s nurse or physician a complete list of all the herbs and supplements the cr is taking medications ask the cr’s healthcare provider about medication that could help increase the appetite common ones include megestrol megace steroids like dexamethasone decadron and metoclopramide reglan physicians will usually try one or more of these medications for a time and discontinue them if they aren’t effective in the cr
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Categories: Medical Physical
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References: n/a
Keywords: Loss of appetite nutrition eating
*This information is listed as a Tip and is not explicitly medically licensed