Care recipient (cr) needs help strengthening his her shoulder muscles because he she has trouble performing a reaching motion

Try: Suggest that cr try the following exercise have cr lie on his her back with arms resting at his her sides make sure cr’s elbows are kept straight while he she lifts the affected arm to shoulder level with hand pointing to the ceiling raise hand toward the ceiling lifting the shoulder blade from the floor hold for three to five seconds and then relax allowing the shoulder blade to return to the floor slowly repeat the reaching motion several times lower arm to rest by side encourage cr to try to do this exercise daily

Materials: n/a

Categories: Sage, Topic, Medical Physical

Information: n/a

References: hope the stroke recovery guide chapter 4 – movement and exerciseby the national stroke associatin 2010 available at www stroke org

Keywords: Shoulder paralysis rehabilitation stroke exercise gross motor coordination weak shoulder muscles reaching exercise

*This information is listed as a Tip and is not explicitly medically licensed

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