Try: #do not do the following stretching and flexing exercises following hip surgery or another medical procedure unless they have been specifically approved by a doctor or physical therapist familiar with the cr’s immediate medical history and current situation #help the cr practice getting up from and sitting down into a chair or couch several times in a row watch the cr as he or she does this to make sure the cr can get up and down safely and doesn’t overdo it #for hips that feel tight or inflexible the cr can march in place from a seated position lifting knees as high as possible while marching #if the cr’s ankles and knees feel tight or inflexible try these two exercises first while the cr is seated ask him or her to extend one leg forward and then bend it in a swinging motion from the knee swinging it back and forth several times repeat with the other leg second again while the cr is seated ask him or her to extend one leg with the heel on the floor from that position the foot can be flexed by pointing the toes forward toward the ground and then stretched by pointing the toes up toward the ceiling all while keeping the heel on the floor repeat with the other foot
Materials: Chair or couch cr can get out of safely
Categories: Medical Physical, Mobility, Needs Some Assistance, Independence, Some Supervision, Cognitive Awareness, Fully Aware
Information: n/a
References: n/a
Keywords: n/a
*This information is listed as a Tip and is not explicitly medically licensed