Care recipient (cr) is overweight generally inactive and borderline diabetic doctor notes high sugar levels and advises cr to follow a healthy eating plan become active and

Try: To lose weight materials spiral-bound notebook cookbook with heart-healthy and low-sugar recipes pitcher or fluid container with liquid measure markings calorie and carbohydrate counter united stated department of agriculture website if desired try #use the notebook as a food journal to record all daily food intake #use the notebook to note the date and results of each blood sugar test ordered by the doctor also use it to record the cr’s weight each time the cr is weighed at the doctor’s office or at home unless a specific health problem such as congestive heart condition requires more frequent weight checks limit weight checks to one a week to avoid over or under reacting to normal weight fluctuations #ask the cr’s doctor for daily calorie sodium and carbohydrate goals for the cr #use a calorie and carbohydrate guide book to keep track of the number of calories sodium and carbohydrate grams being consumed every day adjust meals in a comfortable way so the amounts of calories sodium and carbohydrates recommended by the doctor are met on a daily basis #once you have found some nutritious well-balanced meals that please the cr and meet the target goals preplan menus a week to a month in advance this will streamline grocery shopping cut down on food waste and prevent less desirable food options from entering the home #add daily or weekly activity or exercise to the cr’s schedule make exercise fun take walks at the mall or around the neighborhood play catch with a lightweight giant ball while standing in a pool take yoga or follow along with a light-impact exercise program on tv remember that when the cr burns some calories he or she can eat a few more calories- but don’t overestimate how many calories are actually being burned #put a pitcher with fluid measure markings on the side of it in the refrigerator keeping an eye on what level the fluid sinks to or remains at will help you track the cr’s fluid intake #if you have internet access look at the united states department of agriculture’s website for nutritional

Materials: Baby wipes or unscented bath wipes several washcloths favorite soap small easy-to-carry bucket warm water large towel

Categories: Medical Physical, Mobility, Mobile, Needs Some Assistance, Independence, No Supervision, Some Supervision

Information: Including calories sodium and carbohydrate grams on many foods free online database also exist that allow users to check the nutritional content of items from fast food restaurants chains frozen and prepared foods #get in the habit of reading food labels the basic nutritional information you need is required by law to be printed on the labels of most prepared food information

References: n/a

Keywords: n/a

*This information is listed as a Tip and is not explicitly medically licensed

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