Try: Keep enough supplies in the home to meet the needs of the cr and his her family for at least three days build an emergency supply kit to take along during an evacuation the kit should include water food battery-powered radio and flashlight with extra batteries first aid supplies change of clothing blanket or sleeping bag wrench or pliers whistle dust mask plastic sheeting and duct tape trash bags map a manual can opener for canned food and special items keep these items in an easy to carry container such as a covered trash container a large backpack or a duffle bag
Materials: Bottled water food battery-powered radio battery-powered flashlight extra batteries first aid supplies change of clothing blanket or sleeping bag wrench or pliers whistle dust mask plastic sheeting duct tape trash bags map mmanual can opener easy to carry container such as a covered trash container a large backpack or a duffle bag
Categories: Sage, Topic, Medical Physical
Information: n/a
References: Adapted from 30 tips for emergency preparedness by u s department of homeland security 2010 available at
Keywords: Emergency plan fire safety disaster emergency supply kit
*This information is listed as a Tip and is not explicitly medically licensed