Try: Encourage cr to wear an eye patch or special glasses if ordered for double vision ask cr to avoid alcohol it may increase sensitivity to light and noise make sure it is safe for cr to drive if he she is having a change in vision encourage cr to use hearing aids if needed regularly check batteries for good working order look up some tips for eating if taste and smell are lost or altered make sure cr has a working smoke alarm in the house if his her sense of smell has been lost try to be patient with cr sensory changes can be very difficult emotionally and physically to deal with sometimes it will require major lifestyle changes that will take time for cr to get use to and accept
Materials: Working smoke alarm extra hearing aid batteries
Categories: Sage, Topic, Medical Physical, Independence, Some Supervision, Maximum Supervision, Vision, So-So Vision, Poor Vision, Hearing, So-So Hearing, Poor Hearing, Smelling, So-So Smelling, Poor Smelling, Taste, So-So Taste, Poor Taste, Touch, So-So Touch, Poor Touch
Information: With the claims medicare processed to make sure he she or medicare weren’t billed for services or items he she didn’t get encourage cr to check his her receipts and statements early , the sooner cr sees and reports errors the sooner they can be corrected or fraud can be stopped
References: traumatic brain injury a guide for caregivers of service members and veterans – module 2 by the office of the u s surgeon general no date available at www traumaticbraininjuryatoz org
Keywords: Senses vision hearing taste smell seeing hearing tasting smelling
*This information is listed as a Tip and is not explicitly medically licensed