Try: If cr is on a special diet with restricted fluids and foods learn what foods are allowed learn how to assist cr to drink and eat if special strategies are needed for example eat slowly chin tuck during swallow double swallow follow every bite of food with fluid short term changes in appetite are common try not to worry about early weight loss most often the weight is regained once cr learns proper eating drinking techniques or schedules try to monitor cr’s body weight in a notebook and learn what his her ideal weight range is try to monitor appetite changes these may be a sign of depression general emotional distress medication problems or other medical conditions try to learn as much as you can about dietary intake so you can review monitor cr’s regularly and learn more about meal preparation and a balanced diet if cr has trouble tasting or smelling food investigate ways to use spices and flavorings to perk up the taste of food if cr is experiencing weight gain due to lack of physical activity or boredom try to encourage cr to remain physically active and engaged in outside activities establish set meal times discourage overeating or too many snacks try to encourage cr to be involved as able in grocery shopping and meal planning preparation try writing meal times in a notebook or planner check off meals when finished
Materials: Resources on balanced diets food spices and flavorings pen and notebook or daily planner
Categories: Sage, Topic, Medical Physical, Smelling, So-So Smelling, Poor Smelling, Taste, So-So Taste, Poor Taste
Information: With the claims medicare processed to make sure he she or medicare weren’t billed for services or items he she didn’t get encourage cr to check his her receipts and statements early , the sooner cr sees and reports errors the sooner they can be corrected or fraud can be stopped
References: traumatic brain injury a guide for caregivers of service members and veterans – module 2 by the office of the u s surgeon general no date available at www traumaticbraininjuryatoz org
Keywords: Weight gain weight loss appetite swallowing overeating
*This information is listed as a Tip and is not explicitly medically licensed