Try: Try the following to help decease incontinence episodes or alleviate the problems caused by urinary incontinence during the day while the cr is awake set a timer to go off every two hours instruct the cr to attempt to use the restroom urinate every time the time goes off assist the cr if he or she is unable to go to the bathroom alone setting a schedule will keep the bladder from emptying on its own when it’s full allow for plenty of water and fluids during the day it is tempting to decrease fluid intake however this can actually make the urine more concentrated and more irritable to the bladder this will actually make things worse try not to give water and fluids after supper and before bed this may help keep the cr dry overnight if the cr does become wet change the underwear clothing and bedding as soon as possible allowing the wetness to stay near skin will cause skin problems and infections if adult disposable underwear is used this should not be an excuse not to change clothes of use a toileting schedule remember that the cr is not having accidents on purpose and can’t help it this may be embarrassing to him or her treat the cr with dignity and respect and try not to be judgmental
Materials: Timer
Categories: Medical Physical
Information: n/a
References: n/a
Keywords: Bladder function bladder control toileting
*This information is listed as a Tip and is not explicitly medically licensed