Care recipient is losing weight due to constant activity such as walking

Try: Make sandwiches out the meal you are serving for example spread mashed potatoes on a slice of bread add a few green beans and fold the bread over so the cr can take it and have food on the go while walking or engaging in some other activity give cr a small light weight soft sided lunch bag that will allow him or her to munch on snakes while on the go give cr a clear large zip lock bag that has several food items in it this will allow cr to see the food and serve as a visual reminder that it is available to eat

Materials: finger foods such as cheese sandwiches sliced peeled apples or other fruit placed in a portable non-breakable container or baggie drinks in portable spill-proof cups

Categories: Medical Physical

Information: n/a

References: n/a

Keywords: Diet exercise nutrition anemia anemic

*This information is listed as a Tip and is not explicitly medically licensed

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