Try: #constipation can lead to bloating hardness of stomach area upset stomach and straining more painful serious consequences can occur so do not allow constipation to go unaddressed #prevent or address constipation by adding foods with fiber to the diet and making sure plenty of water is drunk throughout the day starting the morning with prune juice or orange juice may also be helpful #light exercise particularly walking is often helpful at promoting the circulation and muscle movement that help with the digestion of food #provide scheduled time and easy access to a bathroom on a regular schedule people tend to develop habits related to eating and going to the bathroom and a general schedule can help promote regular bowel movements #use of a laxative may be necessary; however make sure directions for use are followed #constipation should be addressed as soon as it becomes noticeable as it may take hours or days to resolve contact a doctor if discomfort pain or abdominal hardness or continue
Materials: Foods with fiber water juice light exercise regular bathroom routine laxatives if necessary or recommended medical advice if necessary
Categories: Medical Physical, Mobility, Mobile, Independence, No Supervision
Information: n/a
References: n/a
Keywords: n/a
*This information is listed as a Tip and is not explicitly medically licensed