Try: Try putting measures in place now so they become routine for cr try contacting local area agency on aging or a senior center to find out how to get cr help with things like shopping housekeeping meals including home-delivered meals and transportation suggest that cr ask a neighbor he she trusts to keep a set of house keys in case cr loses his her set or forgets where they are encourage cr to ask a friend or family member to help cr to organize his her closets and drawers to make it easier for cr to find things encourage cr to ask a family member to check things out around the house such as electrical appliances mail and perishable food items suggest that cr keep a list of important and emergency numbers by the phone encourage cr to have family friends or a community service program call or visit daily to ensure that everything is all right encourage cr to ask someone to check his her smoke alarm regularly
Materials: Pen and paper
Categories: Sage, Topic, Medical Physical, Independence, No Supervision, Cognitive Awareness, Fully Aware, Somewhat Aware, Long-Term Memory, So-So L T Memory, Poor L T Memory, Short-Term Memory, So-So S T Memory, Poor S T Memory
Information: Phone numbers names ideas appointments your address and directions to your home place sticky notes around the house when you need to remember things try to label cupboards and drawers with words or pictures that describe their contents place important phone numbers in large print next to the phone ask a friend or family member to call and remind you of important things that you need to do in the day like meal times medication times and appointments use a calendar to keep track of time and to remember important dates use photos of people you see often labeled with their names keep track of phone messages by using an answering machine
References: Adapted from www webmd com alzheimer alzheimer’s disease tips for maintaining a normal life by brunilda nazario 2011
Keywords: Independence neighbors safety
*This information is listed as a Tip and is not explicitly medically licensed