Care recipient (cr) doesn’t want or like to exercise

Try: Make exercising fun for the cr for example the cr could ride a stationary bike while watching a favorite television show or the cr could go for a walk each day with grandchildren if it is fun the cr is more likely to stick with it find a family member or close friend to offer to exercise along with the cr if exercising is also a social activity it may be more fun and interesting for the cr keep it simple for the cr for example a short walk every day or low impact dancing with a home video it is not necessary to join a health club or spend a lot of money start slow and then build from there encourage the cr to get moving even if it is for only a few minutes each day encourage the cr to try exercising for just a week and see if he or she feels better at the end of the week

Materials: n/a

Categories: Medical Physical

Information: n/a

References: Adapted from www care com caring for seniors with heart disease by staff writer no date

Keywords: Exercise

*This information is listed as a Tip and is not explicitly medically licensed

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