Try: Apply either heat or cold or both sequentially the cr can determine if either heat or cold or both helps with the pain and or stiffness apply either heat or cold for only 15 minutes at a time heat can be applied with a warm pack a warm bath jacuzzi or whirlpool electric heating pad or blanket warm lamp or hydro collator pack all of which help relax the muscles other ways of making things warm and soothing are using flannel sheets heating up clothes in the dryer for a minute or two before putting them on or using hot water bottles on the sore areas if cr has morning stiffness try using a heating pad before he or she gets up otherwise the cr can try taking a warm shower when he or she first gets out of bed if cr has painful swollen joints try applying coldness to the area s coldness helps numb the painful area and can be applied with an ice pack it can be very helpful for joints that are especially painful and swollen
Materials: Heating pad cold pack hot water bottle
Categories: Medical Physical, Needs Some Assistance, Needs Much Assistance
Information: n/a
References: Adapted from www care com caring for seniors with arthritis by staff writer no date
Keywords: Joints pain in joints swollen joints stiffness stiff back stiff neck gross motor coordination fine motor coordination
*This information is listed as a Tip and is not explicitly medically licensed